Reporting tool
Automatic reporting improves the accuracy of reports and enhances the data communication efficiency
R, Rmarkdown, Quarto
Realized in R-Statistics, RMarkdown, knitr, Quarto, and Powerpoint
A programmatic reporting tool to produce analysis reports or presentations directly and automatically from code.
I’ve developed a tool in the data pipeline to automatically report the results of diverse analyses into MS PowerPoint, MS Word, PDF, or HTML which eases the updating of results. The reporting pipeline is written in the open-source language R and Quarto, and the design of the result incorporates the corporate design of the company it was developed for. I have designed the pipeline allowing the report to include large tables in a readable format, data visualizations, statistical results, and the option to annotate the reports with text that may contain statistical results. Also, the reporting pipeline is programmatic, meaning it will automatically update if a new version of the report is needed.
The code and project are for internal use only.